Welcome to Day 1,363.

Today is heavier than yesterday for site news, so let's begin.

First up in While & After news, Part 6 of Dial "B" For Barter A Second Time has been added to the Tats What's Up! calendar.

In Pets What's Up! news, a notation has been added to the Penny The Dog page, which in turn has caused one of two updates for the FAQs page.

In news pertaining to the "Sets, Sets, Sets" page, an extra category Saved By The Bell category has been added, entitled "Additional Detail Gathering Sessions For Saved By the Bell Episodes Remaining", which means that Saved By The Bell episodes that Steve Kaycee already had jot sessions for will need additional details added to their respective chapters for his eventual eight-volume review set of the series.

In news pertaining to The S-Factor page, Steve Kaycee has put the movie City Of Industry (format DVD) up for auction via his eBay auction front.

In Land Of Infusion news, there are five such items via the bullet points below:

  • Following its assessment, American Killing was placed on the Movie-Ocrity/Dishonorable Mention page
  • After a successful plot investigation, Pig has moved up to The Farm Squad a.k.a. Section Two of The Tentative Roster page
  • A wording update/correction was applied to The Tentative Roster page itself
  • Following its assessment, Club Dread was placed on the aforementioned Movie-Ocrity/Dishonorable Mention page
  • After three months and two days of being in Tier 9, In The Name Of The King: A Dungeon Siege Tale was re-acquired by the aforementioned Movie-Ocrity/Dishonorable Mention page

And finally in more Saved By The Bell news, Steve Kaycee has completed his additional detail gathering sessions for the following episodes:

  • The Time Capsule
  • The Lisa Card
  • The Gift
  • King Of The Hill

Well, that's all for now.

Thank you and until next time, you have tuned into The Nog.

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